Ziplock bag icecream

Ziplock bag icecream

Ziplock bag ice-cream is instant Ice-cream ready in 10-15 minutes. Specially this is kids fun time, but I want to share with everyone who want to have fun in kitchen with kids or without kids. My kids love this ice-cream, and it is special because it is made by them. This is very easy ice-cream, I have ever made and no need to wait to taste it, ready in 10-15 minutes.

Ziplock ice-cream can be made in any flavor, chocolate ice-cream using cocoa powder, rose ice-cream using rose syrup, pineapple ice-cream, strawberry ice-cream by adding 1 tbsp. of strawberry pulp etc. It can be any flavor. For Ziplock ice-cream we need Ziplock bags, lots of ice, milk, cream, sugar, or sweetener. Vegan can use almond milk.

Its Summertime, kids fun time why not keep them busy with fun activities in kitchen. Let’s make Ziplock Ice-cream in our kitchen today. I am making rose Ice-cream by adding rose syrup, but you can Oreo cookies crumbs or any other flavor of your choice.


  • Ziplock Bags 2
  • Half and Half cream or milk 1 cup
  • Sugar 2 tbsp
  • Rose syrup 1 tbsp
  • Ice- cubes or crushed ice 3 cups
  • Salt 1/3 cup



  • Pour Milk or cream in a Ziplock bag with sugar and rose syrup.
  • Ziplock the bag with little or no air in bag
  • In other Ziplock bag add ice and salt. place sealed Ziplock bag with rose ice-cream mixture.
  • seal the Ziplock bag and shake-shake-shake for 10-15 minutes. Hand will freeze bit and fun part is when after 15 minutes you will have ice-cream ready.
  • Enjoy with kids and family.


Note: Instead of rose syrup add any syrup of your taste or any other flavors can be added instead.


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