Eggless Chocolate cupcakes

Eggless Chocolate cupcakes

Eggless chocolate cupcakes Tasty, yummy Cupcakes and have no eggs. It tastes same as market cupcakes made with eggs but on vegflavors I am sharing recipe where we are making cupcakes without eggs.
Icing I am using here is vanilla whipped cream icing, but any icing can be used butter icing or chocolate icing etc. But I like vanilla icing on chocolate cupcake it goes well with chocolate flavor cupcake and balance it well.

let checkout our ingredients and method for eggless chocolate cupcake.


  • Maida/ all-purpose flour 250 gram
  • Baking powder 1 tsp
  • Baking soda 1 tsp
  • Coco powder 4 tbsp
  • Condense milk 1 tin or 400 grams
  • Butter 3/4 cup
  • Vanilla essence 1/2 tsp
  • Oil or butter for greasing


  • In a deep bowl beat condense milk, butter and vanilla essence with the help of hand beater or electric beater. It will change its color after it get soft.
  • Sift all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda and coco powder from Sieve in another bowl. Sift it 2-3 times that will help to rise flour texture and texture of cake will be more sponge.
  • Mix dry ingredients to wet butter mixture slowly and mix well with cake fold method (cake fold method is method to mix cake batter, batter is mix slowly in one direction only and make a cut in center with beater and mix again in same direction) cake fold method help to add more air in batter that will help to rise cake or cupcake properly while baking.
  • Batter should be of thick pouring consistency means when pour it should have ribbon form consistency.
  • If batter get too thick add some milk to it to get proper consistency.
  • Preheat oven at 180 degree for 10 minutes,
  • Grease cupcake mold or tin with oil or butter and pour cupcake batter in cupcake mold or tin, Fill the cupcake mold to 3/4 part and leave rest of mold empty for cupcake to rise.
  • Bake it at 180 degree Celsius for 15-20 minutes.
  • Test it after 15 minutes by inserting a toothpick to the center of cupcake. if it comes out clean, cupcake is baked well but, if it has some batter stick to toothpick bake it more for 5 minutes.
  • Cool it down out of oven for next 15 minutes and top it with vanilla icing.
  • Decorate with fruit of choice on top or leave it with decorative icing on top.
  • Enjoy with friends and family.

Click link below to check out more eggless cakes recipes at vegflavors,






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