Sweet Turmind (red) chutney

Sweet Turmind (red) chutney

Turmind sauce or chutney is very tangy and sweet in flavor and is always available in my home, as I don’t like chutney from market. I prepare my own chutney and use it with every snack or chaats. It’s very easy to make.


  • Water 4 cup
  • Turmind seedless 1/2 cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Red chili powder 1 tsp
  • Jaggery or sugar 1 cup
  • Roasted cumin powder 1 tsp
  • Garam masala powder 1/2 tsp


  1. Sock seedless turmind in a cup of warm water for 10 mins and stain water without touching turmind , it will wash turmind now mash turning in 1/3 cup warm water and extract its pulp and stain from little big hole stained to remove pulp from mesh.
  2. Boil 4 cup of water in a sauce pan and add turmind pulp to it and bring it to boil.
  3. Add salt, chili powder, sugar and  roasted cumin powder and stir it . Tum the flame to medium-low for it to boil 5-10 mins . Till water reduce to 2/3 of quantity.
  4. Switch off the flame and add Garam masala powder to it and mix well. Keep it on room temperature to cool down .
  5. Store it in a sterilized container on room temperature for 5-7 days or you can keep it in freeze for one month.


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