Strawberry slush – 2 ingredients only

Strawberry slush – 2 ingredients only

Vegflavors Strawberry slush – Refreshing summer drink. When summer is here, who will say no to frozen drinks. In hot sun what else we need other than something cold to refresh or beat sun heat. Slush is best to refresh and balance body temperature in hot summer. Slush is not ice-cream and not juice its combination of both. It is kind of icy smoothie without milk or yogurt.

My kids always want slush when we go out but why to have slush from market when it can be made easily in 2 minutes. I always prefer fresh fruit slush at home, which is sugar free, no sugar added natural sugar from strawberries. I avoid sugar in slushes and smoothies as fruits have their own natural sugar, but if someone want to add honey or maple syrup is healthy option as well. Sugar is not healthy in drinks so should be avoided as much as we can.

Strawberry is very healthy which control sugar level and good source of Vitamin C. Strawberries are antioxidants great for heart as well. I have Fresh Strawberries from my own Kitchen Garden during summer. As I love doing planting and have some vegetables like Growing Tomatoes from seeds, Lemons, Bell Pepper and fruit garden which provide fresh fruits. Check Here for some home gardening Tips and planting.

Strawberry slush needs two ingredients only strawberries and ice. If fresh strawberries are not available, frozen strawberries can be used as well.


  • Strawberries 1 cup
  • Ice 1/2 cup
  • Honey or maple syrup 1 tsp(optional)


  • Wash and chop strawberries.
  • Put ice, strawberries and syrup in blender and blend it on pulse speed then medium speed for 1 minute.
  • Pour it in cups or glasses and serve immediately.
  • Don’t wait or ice will melt.

Note: If you are using frozen strawberries, directly add them to blender with ice, some water and blend

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