Grow lemon from seeds

Grow lemon from seeds

Lemon tree šŸŒ³ from seeds seems tricky but it is worth to have plant growing from seeds and giving so much freshness around everywhere.


Today, I am sharing my experience for planting lemon seeds. I planted lemon seeds last year and I have a small lemon plant one year old. I love seeing this plant, but it takes lots of patience and proper Care, Proper soil and temperature is required for lemon tree to grow well. Lemon is tropical full sun plant that needs lots of sun light, but it can be grown indoor as well in planter, near windows where there is full sun light or using indoor growing lamps.


Lemon plants need water regularly at least once a week or every day to seedlings šŸŒ±. It need water but should not have flood, soil should be well drained and too much water in plant, will drown plant. So best thing to do while planting is to use planter with big holes at bottom to drain excess water to keep soil moist without too much water.


I like to use self-watering planter for plant that need constant water. Plants that I like to keep in planters are lemon, strawberry or any other herbs. This year I am using self-watering globes but last year I made my own self watering system, I will post that on vegflavors as well how to make self-watering planter. In self watering system we need not to water every day and plant will take water itself from deposits whenever required.


Before we start, I want you to have lots of patience before planting as it will not give fruit in initial years, Unlike Tomato plants and other plants.


let us start planting lemons from seeds:

  • First take seeds from fresh lemon, soak it in water for 30 minutes. Take out the outer shell of the seed carefully. Do not break the seeds. Germinate minimum 4-5 seeds, if in case anyone donā€™t germinate.
  • Soak and squeeze paper towel and keep the seed on paper towel. Fold the paper towel to wrap seeds. Take another dry paper towel and wrap wet paper towel in it. Seal paper towel with seeds in zip lock bag and place it on dry dark place. I keep in kitchen cabinet that I donā€™t use every day.
  • Check seeds every other day to see progress if you seeds paper towel inside is very dry sprinkle few drops of water in seeds to hydrate.
  • From inside heat and water hydration seeds will starts germinating within 10 days. When the seeds germinate plant them in soil or in little pods.
  • I am using jiffy pods for planting my germinated seeds. You can plant in direct soil as well. Soil for planting lemon seeds should be well drained. I prefer garden soil that consist of compost, potting mix, and soil sand for good drainage. Plant seeds at least 1-3 inch deep in soil and water thoroughly. As I said before excess water should be drained off. For planting in small planter make big holes at the bottom for water to be drained out. I had very bad luck with one of my seedlings when I plant for first time and one of seedling was left in planter without hole. The plant drowns and I couldnā€™t save it šŸ˜’. So, itā€™s important to have well drainage.
  • It will take 1-2 days for seed to settle in soil environment from paper towel heat and will start to grow as it getsĀ proper care, light and water. Images showing progress day by day.
  • First 2 leaves are not true leaves of any plant these are calluses that provide food and nutrients to plant after these leaf, Ā from leaf 3 plant will start to have their true/actual leaves.
  • Once the plant reach to 3-4 inches of height, it will have few true leaves. Itā€™s time to plant it in big planter from little pods or small planter. Clean the planter with hole at the bottom for drainage and garden soil or potting soil with compost and some sand for well drainage. Fill the planter to 6ā€“7-inch height with soil, make a hole with hand in center in the pot to place our lemon seedling (lemon baby plant), cover it with some more soil and add 1-2 inch top soil to keep bottom soil well moist. Donā€™t cover the top leaves, keep soil under leaves.
  • lemon Seedling
  • Add fertilizer to plant every 1-2 weeks outside to speed up the growth of plant. I have mix 1 tbsp of slow releasing fertilizer in topsoil added on top of plant, that slowly release fertilizer and I need not to worry when plant is indoor that plant is not getting fertilizer as slow releasing fertilizer is doing its work. But outdoor I use water soluble plant food once a week. As outside in summer plant need more energy to grow fast as compared to growth of plant indoor is significantly slow than outside in summer.


I planted lemon seed last year and I still have beautiful bottom green stems, but I start to see little woody color on them now, since last week as I started to keep them out in sun. Its sign of maturity in plant.

No fruit yet but I am happy plant is growing well and getting shape of good little tree. It looks great as center plant in my home with bright green color leaves and beautiful look.


I hope my experience with planting lemon šŸ‹ plant will help some beginners for planting from seeds.
