Plain rice

Plain rice

Plain rice as name suggested is plain boiled rice with a tint of little turmeric, which can be served with anything yogurt only or with dal or curry.  Sometimes when we cook rice it gets broken or get over cooked, so it always important to follow instructions of the rice packet for cooking. Some rice needs more soaking time than other.

Today, I am using Indian basmati rice (long grain rice). But any rice can be used. Plain rice is easiest basic food anyone can cook anytime. Kids who do not like spicy food, loves to eat rice with yogurt. I am adding pinch of turmeric to add beautiful yellow color and turmeric is good for health too.



  • Rice 1 cup
  • Salt 1/2 tsp
  • Ghee/oil 1 tsp
  • Turmeric 1 pinch
  • Water 2 cup to boil rice.



  • Wash and soak rice for 10 minutes.
  • In a pan heat ghee/oil and add turmeric powder and add water.
  • Boil water and add rice with salt, mix well slowly.
  • Let it cook on low medium flame. When top layer of water gets evaporated (when water is not visible on top of rice but still in rice). Cover the pan with lid and slow down the stove flame 🔥 to low.
  • Let it cook for 2 more minutes and switch off the flame. Let it rest for 1 more minute.
  • Open the lid and flip rice carefully. It’s important to flip rice, once it’s cooked so it won’t stick together, and air will keep it fluffy, and rice won’t break.
  • Serve it with dal, curry, or yogurt only.


click here to find more rice recipes on vegflavors 

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