Peppers pizza

Peppers pizza

Peppers pizza

Peppers pizza is mini pizzas made with pepper cheese, sauce, and seasoning. I am using green bell pepper, but any color of bell pepper can be used, red, yellow, or green. Different color gives colorful look to pizza but if green is available that will work great as well. Bell pepper is known as different names in different parts of world. In India, New Zealand, Australia Bell pepper is known as Capsicum, in north America it is knows as Bell pepper, In Britain its known as red, green, yellow pepper etc.

Many people like to eat bell pepper raw in salads, but on the other side many people don’t even like the taste of it.

Do you know there are 2 types of bell pepper? One is best for cooking and other one is good for salads.

One with less in sweetness is good for cooking and sweet one has lots of seeds, is good for salad or to eat raw.

If you check bell pepper carefully it has 3 or 4 lobes or bumps, pepper with 3 bumps is good for cooking and with 4 bumps is good for salad and to eat raw. I using peppers fresh from my garden and I have 3 bumps peppers which is very good for cooking.

We got lots of information about peppers. Let’s come back to our pepper pizza lol… It is easy pepper pizza recipe ready in few minutes. Let’s get started with our ingredients list.


  • Bell pepper/ Capsicum 2 large or medium (whatever is available)
  • Tomato ketchup 2 tbsp
  • Mozzarella cheese ½ cup
  • Cherry tomato 4-5


  • Wash and slice cherry tomatoes. Keep aside
  • Preheat oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes
  • Cut bell peppers from sides and take out the seeds. These sides will form flat base of our pizza.
  • Spread tomato ketchup on inner side of bell pepper and top with mozzarella cheese. Decorate with cherry tomatoes.
  • Place it in preheat oven for 10 minutes till mozzarella cheese melts.
  • Take out of oven and serve.


Note: Filling can be added under mozzarella cheese to add flavors I only made cheese pepper pizza but any topping can be added.







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