Home Made Pizza Base- without Yeast without Oven

Home Made Pizza Base- without Yeast without Oven

Pizza, pizza is everyone’s favorite food these days, Especially kids. They love pizza anytime. Pizza is basically Italian bread, which was first bake in Italy and after that with many variations, it became popular in many countries and now everyone knows pizza.

When it come to make pizza ta home, first thing comes in mind is pizza base, Buy pizza base from market. But what if you can make pizza base at home with ingredients available in your kitchen in less than 1 hour, that sound amazing. Homemade pizza base without yeast and oven. You heard right, without oven and yeast.

It is very easy to make pizza base anytime, when you want to eat pizza or when you have friends come over. Make pizza base before time and pizza will be ready in less than 10 minutes.

Let’s see what we need to make pizza base and how to make pizza base without yeast and oven.


  • Refine flour (maida) 2 and 1/2 cup.
  • Semolina/suji 1/3 cup
  • Baking powered 1 tsp.
  • Baking Soda 1 tsp
  • Sugar 1/3 tsp
  • Salt 1/4 tsp
  • Plain Yogurt 1/3 cup
  • Oil 1/2 tsp


  • In a big bowl add maida/Flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and mix well. Semolina will provide crunchy texture to pizza base and it will not let base soggy while making pizza.
  • Now add plain yogurt and mix with hand. Add some water to make soft dough (I added approx 1/2 cup of water to it, but my yogurt was thick so add water accordingly to make soft dough)
  • Knead the dough on surface for 5-10 minutes with your palm to rise gluten in it.pizza_dough
  • Rest the dough for 30-40 minutes for fermentation.
  • After 40 minutes divide the dough in 4 equal parts and make rounds shape dough balls.
  • Dust the source with maida or wheat flour and with the help of rolling pin, roll the dough on flat surface in circular shape. keep it thick approx 1 inch.
  • Punch it will fork so base won’t puff.
  • pizza_roll
  • Heat a heavy bottom pan on medium and grease pan with oil. Place pizza base in center and cover it for 1-2 minute. Flip it to other side and let it cook for another 2-3 minutes on medium heat.
  • Pizza base it ready let it cool down on room temperature. It can be prepared in advance or can be used immediately, whenever you need it. Pack it in zip lock bag or airtight box. It will stay fine for 2 days on room temperature or 3-4 day is refrigerator (don’t freeze)
  • pizza_base

Note: To make dough Food processor can be used with dough blade.



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