Home Made Cheese Pan Pizza

Home Made Cheese Pan Pizza

Cheese Pizza, Cheese Cheese, Yummy Yummy !!!

Cheese pizza, Mouthwatering yummy, delicious anytime full meal for kids or adults. When kids or anyone want some change in Daily food, why not to add Yummy Cheese pizza once a week or once every 2 weeks. Kids love Pizza, Pasta, Burgers etc. As parent we may find it not healthy but for kids who does lots of physical activities outside, its ok to have sometime with lots of options.

Today, I am sharing my home-made cheese pizza recipe which need 3 things Pizza base, pizza sauce and Topping. It can be made in oven or pan as per sources available. Today, I am making in Pan which is very easy and quick.

My home-made pizza base recipe without yeast and oven is available here. IF you don’t want to make base at home you can get from any grocery store easily.

Pizza sauce is very easy to make by cooking tomatoes, herbs whatever you like, chilies, onions together (in less than 5 minutes).

If we have pizza base ready. Pizza will be ready in 10-12 minutes maximum.

Let’s start Homemade Cheese pizza.



  • Tomatoes 2 cup chopped
  • Garlic chopped 1 tbsp(optional)
  • Red chili flakes ½ tsp
  • Onions chopped 1/3 cup
  • Basil leaves 3-4 count
  • Salt to taste
  • Herbs (Oregano, other Italian herbs)1/2 tsp
  • Oil 1tbsp
  • Water 1/3 cup
  • Pizza base 4 count.
  • Mozzarella cheese 1 cup grated.



  • If Pizza base if from freeze take out at room temperature. It’s important to have pizza base at room temperature before pizza is prepared.
  • In a pan heat ½ Tbsp oil , add chopped garlic and chili flakes and let it roast a bit and add tomatoes to it. Let tomatoes cook for 1 minutes. Add salt, onion, and mix well.
  • Add basil and herbs to it , mix well. Cover it with lid and let it cook for 1 minute, So, tomatoes cook well but over dry it. It should be not very dry consistency and we will make sauce from it.
  • pizza sauce
  • When tomatoes cook well, switch off the flame and cool it down. Blend it in blender to make course paste, do not over blend or it will lose texture.
  • Pizza sauce is ready.
  • Add little salt and seasoning of your choice in mozzarella cheese. I am not adding any herbs to cheese as my kids don’t like herbs in cheese.
  • Heat a heavy bottom pan on low flame and grease pan with oil. Place pizza base in center and cover it for 1 minute. Flip it to other side and spread pizza sauce on it and cheese on top of sauce.
  • Cover the lid and let cheese milt on pizza. Keep Flame to low-medium temperature, so it will cook proper from inside and flavors will get mix.
  • Take out the pizza from pan, when cheese melt. Cut it in slices and serve hot.



  1. Make sure pizza base is room temperature.
  2. Use heavy base pan or pizza will burn from bottom.
  3. I have Made pizza for kids with lots of cheese, cheese quantity can be reduced in required.



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