Gardening On Veg Flavors

Gardening On Veg Flavors

Hello friends,

As we all know on vegflavors we share vegetarian food recipes but today I am here not to share any recipe but to share my experience with Home Gardening. Yeah, you heard right Home Gardening. Plant something new during this pandemic to spend time with family and loved ones.

Yay!!! Spring is here finally. It’s month of May, springtime and everyone must be wondering, how Spring in month of May. Here in Canada spring starts in May and officially summer starts in June till September, but cool winds start from august. So, less time to have plants outside. I love doing Planting, due Lack of time (busy mom with work, Family, Kids) I cannot do full gardening but  I keep trying little by little. Planting is more like caring a baby, feed, water, light is very important for planting. Its not like plant and forget about it. It needs proper care and feed.

I love seeing plants with mature fruits and when everyone tastes them from fresh home garden that is the wonderful feeling of having home garden or having mint and fresh basil from your own garden.  Some tree does not produce fruits in initial years but good to have them as corner of home to have  positive energy at home and good for health too.

Many plants have medical benefits as well. As we are facing COVID Pandemic situation. People are dying and suffering all around and we need lots of oxygen. Trees/Plants are main source of Oxygen. Many people suggest having few leaves of mint or basil everyday help to maintain oxygen level in Human body.

To plant something fresh in garden, we need to do some preparation, it depends on if planting is doing from seeds or from baby plants. I like to do from fresh seeds that takes a lot of time and patience, but with baby plants it will be easy for impatient garden lovers. People buy seeds from stores and they have guaranteed germination, because they are called processed seeds, but I never tried them.

My planting experience may help some beginners as its always first time for everyone and planting means to have patience and not to give up. Sometimes, we need to plant seeds multiple times but do not give up to have best planting experience.

Many people plants from seeds and some people prefer planting baby plants. It everyone personal choice. Here are few plants I planted in my garden last year and this year start with seeds.

Tomato Plant from seed

Lemon Plant from seed

Bell Pepper from seeds

Strawberries from seeds


Other useful Information for planting:

Learn more about seeds Germination before planting.