Fruity Bhel

Fruity Bhel

Fruity Bhel as name suggested is the combination of fruits and bhel, bhel is a mixture of some savory snacks. So, fruity bhel have lots of fruits, crunch of snacks, tanginess of chutneys etc. Here is the ingredients and recipe. 


  • Sev 1/2 cup
  • Roasted Chana dal 1 tbsp
  • Puffed rice 1 cup
  • Salt as per taste
  • Roasted peanuts 1/3 cup(optional)
  • Salted mathri 3 pieces(optional)
  • Pomegranate 1/2 cup
  • Green and red grapes chopped 1/4 cup
  • Green apple and red apple fine chopped 2 tbsp
  • Tomato fine chopped 1 tbsp
  • Onion fine chopped 1 tbsp(optional)
  • Green chilies 2 fine chopped(optional)
  • Lemon juice 1 tsp
  • Mint/Green chutney 1 tsp
  • Imli / turmind sauce 1 tsp
  • Fine castor sugar 1 tsp 


  1. In a big bowl mix all chopped fruits with pomegranate seeds. Add lemon juice, mint and turmind sauce, salt, green chilies.
  2. Mix well and add other ingredients, puffed rice, onion, tomato, sev, roasted chana dal, peanuts, sugar, Break mathri pieces mix in bhel mixture. Mix everything together, fruity bhel is ready.
  3. Serve immediately. 


  1. Onion, puffed rice, sev, and roasted ingredients should be added at very last when you are ready to serve. Otherwise bhel will become soggy and soft.
  2. You can add any fruit of your choice to enhance taste as per your liking.








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